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Bed and Breakfast Roma / Your holiday in Rome / The best guest house in Rome

Cheap accommodations in Rome

Stay in a pension in Rome, is a cheap way to spend a few days in the city. Each pension in Rome is able to apply at substantially lower prices than those which are the rates for accommodations offered by hotels. The characteristics of a pension in Rome are very similar to those of the so-called "accommodations extra-hotel", as may be bed and breakfasts rented rooms and cottages, despite maintaining a number of similarities with hotels.

The pensions are like a sort of hybrid between these two activities. For size they are like three or two star – hotels. The luxury of the big hotels, however, is completely unknown to pensions, which are decently furnished and provide with excellent services, bu do not have the comfort of Grand Hotel. The aspect that brings them closer to touristic extra – hotel accommodations above rates, can be found on the rates for overnight stays and special atmosphere that exist in these structures. The pensions are in fact in most cases family. Within these the costumers usually know each other, they socialize, they create relationships, unlike the informality of hotels. In the short as happen inside the bed and breakfasts , where the family atmosphere is guaranteed by the constant presence of the property (in fact by law he must have domicile and residence in the building), which stand like a landmark for his gusts, building day by day a relationship of trust with all of them.

The pensions offer also meals, as opposed to a b&b that can provide only breakfasts. Usually the guests have lunch and dinner all together at the same time, enjoying together the dishes prepared by the operator or any cooks in the kitchen. Than the system can be applied to whole or half board, just like happens in hotel in Rome, of course with considerable variations in the price of accommodation.

The room's services available vary in according to the economic availability of the operator, which can equip the accommodation in different ways. The furnishing are usefully sober, with bed, wardrobe, desk and chairs. Functional especially for professionals who travel to Rome for medium-long periods: they, in fact, represent the majority of customers of pensions.

Other diversification into pensions active in Roman circuit, able t o swing significantly the price of living is tied to their location within the city. There are pensions in the old town, which appear to be the most overpriced for obvious reasons. Besides the beautiful scenery in which they appear, give the costumers the opportunity to visit the heart of Rome by foot, without having to use public transportation or cars for travel. They are naturally the most requested by tourists. The increase of the prices is cushioned by the proximity to major attraction in the city.

Then there are pensions in more suburban areas, displaced of the center.

One of the most important characteristics for these inns is their close proximity of any bus stops or Subway Stations. The Rome's traffic is in fact often congested, so the two Subway Lines are the best way, in terms of speed, to get around the town.

A structure located near the Subway stops is better than those served by only bus or tram lines. So pensions located close to areas like Stazione Tiburtina, Anagnina, Ponte Mammolo, Rebibbia, Battistini, Laurentina, Eur, despite being far from the center, are however requested very much. To know in advance the locations of pensions in Rome, to watch some room's photographs or maybe read a few comments of past guests about the quality of the services offered, we recommend to use some web site dedicated just to these accommodations. The site are able to provide any useful information to choose the pension that best suite our needs. Then the web back to be useful for the tourist, that can even book facilities directly on line, in quickly real time. The combination of Web and Tourism appears to be one of the most prolific of the genre. The appearance of the sites dedicated to different accommodations has moved much users to the customary of "make booking on your own", which in recent year have determined the success of the Incoming global Industry, much invigorated from the support provided by the new technologies.
