Speaking of Rome is like speaking of the Coliosseum, also know as the Flavian Amphitheatre, turning out to be the number one symbol representing the roman capital world wide. Therefore it's normal that crowds of tourists coming to visit the eternal city feel obligated to go see the Colosseum and its internal compulsory routes.
And who could indeed ignore this symbol? The area in which Coliseum is located is very rich in archaeological finds from the ancient Rome, thanks to the amazing Via dei Fori Imperiali, a veritable open-air museum, an overlooking window to a world now gone, the only place from where you can recall the Temple of Vespasian, the Temple of Saturn, the Arch of Septimius Severus, Trajan's Column and Markets, the three pillars of the Temple of Castor and Pollux.
Treasures all available to the visitors of the city that walks along the street to appreciate the impressive decline. And yet the imposing dimension of the Victorian monument located right at Piazza Venezia with its famous Palazzo Venezia, the National Museum. The long staircase of the Campidoglio leading towards Michelangelo's Piazza del Campidoglio, with a copy of a statue dedicated to Marcus Aurelius, emperor and philosopher.
For nature lovers, visits to the beautiful Park of Trajan and the Park of Celio, two gardens climbing along the slope of the Palatine Hill and Opium Hill are suggested.
All these tourist destinations of the primary global importance, are easily accessible from our bed and breakfast facilities, our rooms for rent, our cottages, our apartments and further accommodation.